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currently in : edina, minnesota
headed to : huntington beach, california

my prayer over every person who visits this page is that they will be able to see Jesus in every aspect of my story. i pray that YOU will experience God's love and faithfulness in every season of your life just as I have.


my Jesus journey

I got saved when I was five years old. I remember it clearly. I was sitting on the windowsill with my friend and sister at the top floor of the church I grew up in, and I prayed because I heard my sister did it and when you're five and have an older sister, all you want to do is whatever she is doing. I had no idea what a life impacting decision that was. I strayed from God in middle and high school. I was diagnosed with depression, an anxiety disorder, and anorexia when I was in middle school, and became addicted to cutting and over exercise. When I was a senior in high school, the Lord spoke clearly to me that He needed me to leave school and enter a program called Mercy Multiplied, an incredible Christian program helping girls who were struggling with life-controlling issues. I lived in Minnesota at the time, and the Mercy home I was accepted into was in Monroe, Louisiana. I took a major step of faith, realizing I was completely out of options and the road I was on very well could lead to death in every sense of the word, dropped out of school, and two weeks after moved to a Mercy home in Monroe. THAT is really where I met Jesus. March 17, 2017 is the day I got reborn, in a town two hours outside of Monroe in North Louisiana at a conference where I was not expecting anything noteworthy to happen. Love how Jesus is constantly blowing our minds and interrupting our plans that we thought were on the right track.

The Lord made it clear that YWAM was where He wanted me to go after my graduation from Mercy. I applied and left for my DTS in Kona HI on January 4 2018, roughly 5 months after Mercy. Once at YWAM, if I wasn't sure already, the Lord made it clear this (missions) would be the rest of my life. And just to wipe out any last bit of doubt I had, He brought numerous people to pray and prophesy this over me. I went on outreach to Northern Europe, and feel confident that one day I will go back to Europe for missions more long term.

As life is a walk by the Spirit, I cannot tell you times and dates or even exact locations that I will be in the next 5, 10, 20, who knows how many years, but I am completely confident in this: that the Lord had called me to surrender my life to Him, and in turn He will use it to bring His kingdom here on earth. 

people and places that have brought me to today.



monroe, louisiana
feb 2017 - july 2017


kona, hawaii
jan 2018 - march 2018


march 2018 - june 2018

"I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid."

J O H N 14 : 27

"i will not die, but i will LIVE and proclaim what the Lord has done."

P S A L M S 118 : 17

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